Thursday 27 February 2020

Arts & Maths Project Report

This assignment is individual: each person in your group has to write their own report. You will write a one page report about your Arts & Maths project. It must be one page long. Please include the following in your report:

- The TITLE of your project.

- An EXPLANATION of what your project is about and how it relates to art and maths.

- Explain the MATERIALS that you are using in your project.

- The PROCEDURE you are following (this means the steps you have done for your project) .

- An ASSESSMENT of how your project is going: What is going well? What is going badly? Have you needed to make changes to your project? Is there anything you want to change in the future?

Wednesday 19 February 2020

In the sketchbook: collage

This is the first task of the second term. You have to create a landscape collage on two pages of your sketchbook. You must use different pieces of paper from magazines, newspapers, supermarket advertisements, etc.


This is a video that explains how to draw an hexafoil.